Misiano Snow White cream 250ml
Misiano Snow White cream 250ml
It’s every woman’s ultimate desire to get a clear and spot free skin. Misiano Snow White Cream is all in one cream that instantly brightens skin tone. The cream multitask as a moisturizer, skin-whitening, treatment and even skin tone. Misiano Snow White Cream provides healthy complexion for dull or makeup-less skin for whitening and luminous look.
PLEASE NOTE: It gives a white skin tone.
It’s every woman’s ultimate desire to get a clear and spot free skin. Misiano Snow White Cream is all in one cream that instantly brightens skin tone. The cream multitask as a moisturizer, skin-whitening, treatment and even skin tone. Misiano Snow White Cream provides healthy complexion for dull or makeup-less skin for whitening and luminous look.
PLEASE NOTE: It gives a white skin tone.
Additional information
Size | 250 ml, 500 ml |
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